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                         Whinny Old Prim Horse

    Our early primitive horse with brown mohair handmade a long time ago and firmly stuffed with wood shavings like straw. This horse has brown glass eyes and all his seams are hand sewn. His nose and mouth are outlined in red thread and his ears are felt lined, hooves are made of felt.

    He has a serious history of play, his tail seems of a different fabric, possibly old repair as it’s above where the tail should be, a small hole is underneath. The fabric body and legs are very worn so he doesn’t stand by himself, the stuffing has settled downward in the legs so they are somewhat collapsed but I believe fixable. Many mends to him and a hoof with the fabric worn off.
    He measures 10" long, nose to butt, 6" tall and 2 1/2" wide.

    Obviously much loved in his days, still with good color and very sweet with a strong personality and a very friendly face.

price $165    see more photos below

     Old Prim Horse