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Born to be Wild is our frisky jointed cat named Pechey. Personable with darling expressive face, she was taken very good care of and no longer has her button in ear. Our great early cat was made with a tipover “Miauo Growler/ Crier” though presently non-working, from circa 1908-11, shown on pg 164-65 of the Sortiment book.
Original “as found” Condition with attractive yellow glass eyes w flat top edge, she’s 6-way jointed, head, arms, legs & tail which has been sewn down and does not move. Other joints move well and can hold a pose. Our medium size kitty, measures 9.5” long nose to butt not including tail of 5”, sits at 8” tall from front paw to top of head not including his ears.
No repairs except her tail and still with slight patina barely dirty after all her years of play, no matted areas, no bugs, no odors and gently brushed. Feet slightly dirty maybe from the litter pan dust! Soft cream blonde fur with some airbrushed striping to her face and slightly faded single thread pink floss on nose, mouth and most of claws.( missing a claw or two.) Some general wear of thinning or balding mohair, especially to tail, right side of back leg and a little on feet & left side of face. Otherwise, nicely furred with about 65=70% remaining mohair.
Pechey is quite lovely with a glowing disposition and humor, so much fun to pose even backwards!
I've found a wonderful new home see more photos below